About White Oak Pastures

Our Tradition
White Oak Pastures is Radically Traditional Farming. Every day, we butcher meat from animals raised in a regenerative manner using humane animal management practices. This is no easy task, but it is our passion. To operate our vertically integrated, zero-waste model, it takes 155+ caring people working together to accomplish a common goal: taking care of our land and our livestock.
Our Transition
Starting in 1995, we transitioned away from industrial agriculture techniques and began operating our farm as a living ecosystem. We now raise 10 species of humanely treated animals living in symbiotic relationships with each other. Our lands are holistically managed to become increasingly a living organic medium that is teeming with life.

Our Commitment
White Oak Pastures is a Zero-Waste farm. We sell the meats and poultry we butcher on our farm to passionate consumers who care about the animals, land and the community. The hides from the cattle we slaughter are dried for pet chew rawhides or tanned and crafted into leather goods. The fat from our cattle is rendered down to create some of the purest tallow products available. The inedible viscera is composted to later be spread on our farm as rich organic matter to fertilize our soil.
Values & Certifications
We are fiercely committed to the well-being of our animals, as well as the quality of meat we provide to our customers. We honor that commitment by treating our animals with dignity and respect from the day they are born throughout their entire lives, including the day they are slaughtered.

Animal Welfare
Cows were born to roam and graze. Hogs were born to root and wallow. Chickens were born to scratch and peck. These are natural instinctive animal behaviors. Unfortunately, industrial commodity livestock production removes costs from meat production systems by raising animals in mono-cultural confinement systems that do not allow these instinctive behaviors.
On-Farm Red Meat & Poultry Processing
We are one of the only farms in the United States that have both red meat and poultry abattoirs on our farm. The uniqueness of these two enormous investments demonstrates White Oak Pastures' commitment to regenerative agriculture. We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk.

Rebuilding A Rural Community
White Oak Pastures is rebuilding the Bluffton Community. Rural communities like our village of Bluffton, Georgia had been the backbone of our culture. But, for the last two generations, they have been sinking into oblivion. This is because they were made irrelevant by the industrialized, centralized and commoditized farming system. In the last ten years, the impact of our farm on this small town of 100 people has been dramatic. We now employ 155+ good people who are eating, shopping and living in Bluffton.
Regenerative Agriculture
Farming must not only be sustainable; it has to be regenerative. Learn how White Oak Pastures' system effectively captures soil carbon, offsetting a majority of the emissions related to beef production.

Global Savory Hub
White Oak Pastures is one of only a few Savory Hubs. The Savory Institute has begun establishing strategically placed hubs around the world in order to amplify their efforts to restore the grasslands. These hubs help empower people everywhere to heal the land using properly managed livestock.