Contact Us!

⚠️ Scam Alert: We have been made aware of Facebook pages impersonating our business and running ads for cheap meat. These pages & websites are fake and are not affiliated with our farm in any way!

Watch our video statement about this on YouTube.

If you have made a purchase on any site where you paid via PayPal, please contact them immediately to report fraud and request a refund.

We are also taking further steps and legal action to stop the scam websites that have been impersonating our business. Unfortunately, our reports to sites like Facebook, GoDaddy, PayPal, and Domains by Proxy have not been very successful.

Please note that our only website for online orders is: and our official social media pages are linked at the top of our website. Facebook, Instagram, and X have the blue verified check mark included on our page. Beware of pages without the checkmark offering steaks for pennies on the dollar.

For all other inquiries, please use the form below and our team will be in touch as soon as possible!

Visit our General Store in Bluffton, located at:

101 Church Street,
Bluffton, Georgia 39824

We are open seven days each week:

Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Sunday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • 229-641-2081
  • 229-641-2083 (fax)
  • PO Box 98, Bluffton, GA 39824

We are 170 miles south of Atlanta, GA  (and 80 miles south of Columbus, GA):

  • Take Highway I-85 south to I-185.
  • Take Highway I-185 south to Columbus.
  • Take Highway 27 south through Cusseta, Lumpkin, Cuthbert, & Bluffton.
  • Our processing abattoir will be on your right.

We are 90 miles north of Tallahassee, FL:

  • Take Highway 27 north through Havana, Bainbridge, Colquitt, & Blakely.
  • Our processing abattoir will be on your left.

We are 50 miles west of Albany, GA:

  • Take Highway 62 west to Blakely.
  • Take Highway 27 north in Blakely towards Bluffton.
  • Our processing abattoir will be on your left.

We are 50 miles east of Dothan, AL:

  • Take Highway 52 east to Highway 62 east (at the AL/GA state line).
  • Take Highway 62 east to Highway 27 north in Blakely towards Bluffton.
  • Our processing abattoir will be on your left.

If you have any questions or comments about our products, please email us at We will do our best to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible.

Please note that our mailing address is different than our physical address.

Don't forget that you can purchase any White Oak Pastures products from our online store. 

Our Physical Address

White Oak Pastures
22775 Highway 27
Bluffton, GA 39827

Our Mailing Address

White Oak Pastures, Inc.
P.O. Box 98
Bluffton, GA 39827
Call Us: (229) 641-2081